Go to the end to download the full example code.
Numerical network characteristics
Lineament & fracture networks can be characterized with numerous geometric and topological parameters.
Create two Networks so that their numerical attributes can be compared.
from pprint import pprint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Load kb11_network network from examples/
from example_data import KB7_NETWORK, KB11_NETWORK
# Import Network class from fractopo
from fractopo.analysis.parameters import plot_parameters_plot
Geometric and topological Network parameters
All parameters are accessible through an attribute
kb11_parameters = KB11_NETWORK.parameters
kb7_parameters = KB7_NETWORK.parameters
{'Area': 1237.9003657531266,
'Areal Frequency B20': 1.627756203766927,
'Areal Frequency P20': 0.5258904658323919,
'Branch Max Length': 5.721558550556387,
'Branch Mean Length': 0.7761437911315212,
'Branch Min Length': 0.006639501944314653,
'Connection Frequency': 0.8837544848243267,
'Connections per Branch': 1.7627791563275435,
'Connections per Trace': 3.3609831029185866,
'Dimensionless Intensity B22': 0.9805590097335628,
'Dimensionless Intensity P22': 2.786779132035443,
'Fracture Density (Mauldon)': nan,
'Fracture Intensity (Mauldon)': nan,
'Fracture Intensity B21': 1.2633728710295158,
'Fracture Intensity P21': 1.2633728710295158,
'Number of Branches': 2015.0,
'Number of Branches (Real)': 2072,
'Number of Traces': 651.0,
'Number of Traces (Real)': 709,
'Trace Max Length': 33.1085306416674,
'Trace Mean Length': 2.2058247378420526,
'Trace Mean Length (Mauldon)': nan,
'Trace Min Length': 5.820766091346741e-10}
{'Area': 534.6848339727045,
'Areal Frequency B20': 0.7209854768756723,
'Areal Frequency P20': 0.37685751904136955,
'Branch Max Length': 11.141338433454226,
'Branch Mean Length': 1.1849926370920998,
'Branch Min Length': 0.002572582127554804,
'Connection Frequency': 0.26183648965653467,
'Connections per Branch': 1.2036316472114137,
'Connections per Trace': 1.3895781637717122,
'Dimensionless Intensity B22': 1.0124132500421243,
'Dimensionless Intensity P22': 1.6261887828801624,
'Fracture Density (Mauldon)': nan,
'Fracture Intensity (Mauldon)': nan,
'Fracture Intensity B21': 0.854362481548008,
'Fracture Intensity P21': 0.854362481548008,
'Number of Branches': 385.5,
'Number of Branches (Real)': 423,
'Number of Traces': 201.5,
'Number of Traces (Real)': 240,
'Trace Max Length': 11.943520313323264,
'Trace Mean Length': 1.9033944233291853,
'Trace Mean Length (Mauldon)': nan,
'Trace Min Length': 0.06136251196974645}
Compare KB11 and KB7 Networks selected parameter values
b22 = "Dimensionless Intensity B22"
cpb = "Connections per Branch"
selected = {b22, cpb}
# Filter to only selected parameters
kb11_network_selected_params = {
param: value for param, value in kb11_parameters.items() if param in selected
kb7_network_selected_params = {
param: value for param, value in kb7_parameters.items() if param in selected
# Compare parameters with a simple bar plot
figs, axes = plot_parameters_plot(
labels=["KB11", "KB7"],
colors=["red", "blue"],
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.268 seconds)