fractopo.fractopo_utils module
Miscellaneous utilities and scripts of fractopo.
- class fractopo.fractopo_utils.LineMerge
Merge lines conditionally.
- static conditional_linemerge(first, second, tolerance, buffer_value)
Conditionally merge two LineStrings (first and second).
Merge occurs if 1) their endpoints are within buffer_value of each other and 2) their total orientations are within tolerance (degrees) of each other.
Merges by joining their coordinates. The endpoint (that is within buffer_value of endpoint of first) of the second LineString is trimmed from the resulting coordinates.
E.g. with merging:
>>> first = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2)]) >>> second = LineString([(0, 2.001), (0, 4)]) >>> tolerance = 5 >>> buffer_value = 0.01 :rtype: :sphinx_autodoc_typehints_type:`\:py\:data\:\`\~typing.Optional\`\\ \\\[\:py\:class\:\`\~shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString\`\]`
>>> LineMerge.conditional_linemerge(first, second, tolerance, buffer_value).wkt 'LINESTRING (0 0, 0 2, 0 4)'
Without merging:
>>> first = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2)]) >>> second = LineString([(0, 2.1), (0, 4)]) >>> tolerance = 5 >>> buffer_value = 0.01 >>> LineMerge.conditional_linemerge( ... first, second, tolerance, buffer_value ... ) is None True
- static conditional_linemerge_collection(traces, tolerance, buffer_value)
Conditionally linemerge within a collection of LineStrings.
Returns the linemerged traces and the idxs of traces that were linemerged.
>>> first = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2)]) >>> second = LineString([(0, 2.001), (0, 4)]) >>> traces = gpd.GeoSeries([first, second]) >>> tolerance = 5 >>> buffer_value = 0.01 >>> new_traces, idx = LineMerge.conditional_linemerge_collection( ... traces, tolerance, buffer_value ... ) :rtype: :sphinx_autodoc_typehints_type:`\:py\:data\:\`\~typing.Tuple\`\\ \\\[\:py\:class\:\`\~typing.List\`\\ \\\[\:py\:class\:\`\~shapely.geometry.linestring.LineString\`\]\, \:py\:class\:\`\~typing.List\`\\ \\\[\:py\:class\:\`int\`\]\]`
>>> [trace.wkt for trace in new_traces], idx (['LINESTRING (0 0, 0 2, 0 4)'], [0, 1])
- static integrate_replacements(traces, new_traces, modified_idx)
Add linemerged and remove the parts that were linemerged.
>>> first = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2)]) >>> second = LineString([(0, 2.001), (0, 4)]) >>> traces = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[first, second]) >>> new_traces = [LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2), (0, 4)])] >>> modified_idx = [0, 1] >>> LineMerge.integrate_replacements(traces, new_traces, modified_idx) :rtype: :sphinx_autodoc_typehints_type:`\:py\:class\:\`\~geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame\``
0 LINESTRING (0 0, 0 2, 0 4)
- static run_loop(traces, tolerance, buffer_value)
Run multiple conditional linemerge iterations for GeoDataFrame.
This is the main entrypoint.
GeoDataFrame should contain LineStrings.
>>> first = LineString([(0, 0), (0, 2)]) >>> second = LineString([(0, 2.001), (0, 4)]) >>> traces = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=[first, second]) >>> tolerance = 5 >>> buffer_value = 0.01 >>> LineMerge.run_loop(traces, tolerance, buffer_value) :rtype: :sphinx_autodoc_typehints_type:`\:py\:class\:\`\~geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame\``
0 LINESTRING (0 0, 0 2, 0 4)
- fractopo.fractopo_utils.remove_identical_sindex(geosrs, snap_threshold)
Remove stacked nodes by using a search buffer the size of snap_threshold.
- Return type: