fractopo.analysis.contour_grid module

Scripts for creating sample grids for fracture trace, branch and node data.

fractopo.analysis.contour_grid.create_grid(cell_width, lines)

Create an empty polygon grid for sampling fracture line data.

Grid is created to always contain all given lines.


>>> lines = gpd.GeoSeries(
...     [
...         LineString([(1, 1), (2, 2)]),
...         LineString([(2, 2), (3, 3)]),
...         LineString([(3, 0), (2, 2)]),
...         LineString([(2, 2), (-2, 5)]),
...     ]
... )
>>> create_grid(cell_width=0.1, lines=lines).head(5)
0   POLYGON ((-2 5, -1.9 5, -1.9 4.9, -2 4.9, -2 5))
1  POLYGON ((-2 4.9, -1.9 4.9, -1.9 4.8, -2 4.8, ...
2  POLYGON ((-2 4.8, -1.9 4.8, -1.9 4.7, -2 4.7, ...
:rtype: :sphinx_autodoc_typehints_type:`\:py\:class\:\`\~geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame\``

3 POLYGON ((-2 4.7, -1.9 4.7, -1.9 4.6, -2 4.6, … 4 POLYGON ((-2 4.6, -1.9 4.6, -1.9 4.5, -2 4.5, …

fractopo.analysis.contour_grid.populate_sample_cell(sample_cell, sample_cell_area, traces, nodes, branches, snap_threshold, resolve_branches_and_nodes, traces_sindex=None)

Take a single grid polygon and populate it with parameters.

Mauldon determination requires that E-nodes are defined for every single sample circle. If correct Mauldon values are wanted resolve_branches_and_nodes must be passed as True. This will result in much longer analysis time.

Return type:

Dict[str, float]

fractopo.analysis.contour_grid.sample_grid(grid, traces, nodes, branches, snap_threshold, resolve_branches_and_nodes=False)

Populate a sample polygon grid with geometrical and topological parameters.

Return type:
